Nursing Home Resident Rights

Updates to Nursing Home Quality of Care Regulations

From time to time federal regulations covering nursing home quality of care are updated. Thus far, the following updates have…

3 weeks ago

Federal Nursing Home Quality of Care Regulations

Nursing homes that accept Medicare or Medicaid are required to comply with quality of care regulations. Although we have blogged…

3 weeks ago

Supreme Court Rules Nursing Home Resident Rights Are Enforceable Under Section 1983

Last year we reported that Talevski v. Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County (HHC) was headed to the Supreme…

1 year ago

Resident’s Right to Choose Activities and Interact with Others Inside and Outside the Nursing Home

Nursing home residents have the right to who they will spend time with and how they will spend it. Specifically,…

2 years ago

Resident’s Right to Refuse Unnecessary Intra-facility Transfers

Nursing home residents have a right to refuse unnecessary transfers within the facility. Specifically, 42 C.F.R. § 483.10(e)(7) and (8)…

2 years ago

Resident’s Right to Share a Room; Roommates

Nursing home residents have a right to share a room with whomever they wish as long as both residents agree.…

2 years ago

Resident’s Right to Reasonable Accomodation of Needs and Preferences

Nursing home residents have a right to reasonable accomodation of needs and preferences. 42 C.F.R. § 483.10(e)(3) provides that the resident…

2 years ago

Resident’s Right to Personal Possessions

42 C.F.R. § 483.10(e)(2) provides that the resident has a right to be treated with respect and dignity, including: (2)…

2 years ago

Visitation in the Nursing Home

Nursing home residents have the right to visitation. Specifically,  42 C.F.R. § 483.10(f) provides that residents have the right to…

2 years ago

Nursing Home Resident’s Autonomy

Nursing home residents have the right to make their own choices. This includes basic life choices, the right to information…

2 years ago