
Georgia State Medicaid Plan - Rules of Evidence - Scholarly Articles

In Washington v. Glucksberg, 521 U.S. 702 (1997), the U.S. Supreme Court held that Washington’s prohibition against causing or aiding a suicide does not violate the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. In Glucksberg, the Court found assisting with a suicide had always been a crime in Washington State and that it remainde a […]

“Right to Live” appeal dismissed as moot (N.J. Super.) —————————————— Rueben Betancourt underwent surgery to remove a malignant tumor from his thymus gland. Although the surgery went well, during recovery, the ventilation tube supplying him with oxygen was dislodged and he developed anoxic encephalopathy which left him in a persistent vegetative state and with other […]

On July 5, 2016, in Doctors Hospital of Augusta v. Alicea, 299 Ga. 315 (2016), the Georgia Supreme Court affirmed lower court decisions denying a motion for summary judgment. In doing so, the Court interpreted the Georgia Advanced Directive Act, O.C.G.A. § 31-32-1 et seq., holding that it is the will of the patient or […]

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