Public Benefits

Public benefits are usually means-tested welfare benefits for people who need assistance. Typically they are taken from general tax dollars, which is why they are treated differently from entitlement programs. Public benefits include:

Benefits you paid for through payroll deductions are entitlements. They include Medicare, Social Security Disability (SSDI), Social Security Retirement and Railroad Retirement.

Elder Law Attorneys and Special Needs Law Attorneys frequently use tools like special needs trusts or engage in Medicaid Planning to help older adults and individuals with special needs access public benefits. We’re still building this website, so if we haven’t answered your questions yet on one of our main pages or in a blog post, contact us at


    The ARC Fights to Protect Medicaid

    Medicaid is critical for individuals with special needs. It pays for things no one else will pay for and it has recently come under fire. The Arc is working to protect Medicaid for its constituents. It is activating advocates to protect services for the disability community. It is also seeking donations to further its efforts. […]


    Medicare Secondary Payer law

    Since 1980, Medicare pays after another responsible entity pays certain health care claims for Medicare beneficiaries. This is known as Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP). Although the issue arises in other contexts, for Elder Law Attorneys, it usually comes up when an injury claim or a worker’s compensation claim is resolved. For that reason, this post […]


    When Should I Take Social Security?

    Many people want to know when they should apply for Social Security (assuming it still exists when you need it). One of the reasons people ask this question is because the benefit paid is higher if you wait until after your full retirement age, but lower if you apply before your full retirement age. A […]

    What is the Social Security Fairness Act?

    The Social Security Fairness Act was signed into law on January 5, 2025. Prior to passage of this new law, the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset rules reduced benefits for certain individuals who received both Social Security and a pension based on work that was not covered by Social Security. A non-covered pension is […]

    Long Term Care Services for Veterans

    The Veteran’s Administration (the VA) makes long-term care support available for qualifying veterans in several ways. VA Community Living Centers (CLCs) CLCs are VA owned and operated. Veterans can receive nursing level care, including assistance with activities of daily living. Veterans are encouraged to make their rooms feel home-like by decorating their rooms and they […]

    2025 Medicare Part B Premium and Part A Co-Pays

    On November 8, Medicare announced the 2025 premiums and Co-Pays. The standard monthly premium for Medicare Part B enrollees will be $185.00 for 2025, an increase of $10.30 from $174.70 in 2024. The annual deductible for all Medicare Part B beneficiaries will be $257 in 2025, an increase of $17 from the annual deductible of […]

    2025 Spousal Impoverishment Standards

    On November 15, 2024, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services posted the 2025 spousal impoverishment standards. These are the standards used to determine how the amount of income and resources that can be diverted to or retained by a Community Spouse. They also tell us the SSI rate and the Medicaid income cap. In […]

    Social Security Disability versus Veteran’s Disability

    The word disability doesn’t have the same meaning in all contexts. If you have a disability insurance policy, you could qualify for benefits if you have a covered condition even if you could still work. If you are a veteran, you might qualify for disability if you have specific conditions. Social Security disability, however, requires […]

    Social Security Announces 2.5 Percent Benefit Increase for 2025

    On October 10, 2024, the Social Security Administration announced that Americans will increase a 2.5 percent cost of living increase in 2025. A fact sheet linked to the preset release shows that the monthly SSI rate for an individual will increase from $943 to $967. This COLA means the following (estimates) should apply beginning January […]

    Medicaid’s payment of medical bills does not bar recovery from negligent party

    When an injured party sues someone who negligently injured him or her, one form of damages the injured party may recover are medical expenses. However, can those expenses be recovered when they have been paid by someone else? In Bennett v. Haley, 132 Ga. App. 512 (1974), the Court said they can be recovered. The […]

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